Oct 4, 2012


assalamualaikumwarahmatullah dan selamat sejahtera,

dispensing optics is about how we prescribe the lens for patient or customer..


depends on the type of lenses the customer want and also the purpose of wearing the spectacles..

*motif skrg nie: dah boring nk study

from far with love,


assalamualaikumwarahmatullah dan selamat sejahtera

picture 1: This is the picture of our eye with the muscle

as we all know, we have 6 ocular muscle

  1. lateral rectus
  2. medial rectus
  3. superior rectus
  4. inferior rectus
  5. superior oblique rectus
  6. inferior oblique rectus
all recti are innervated by different nerve
LR6 SO4 3

picture 2: The picture is about the action of each muscle

We have 5 basic eye movements which are Saccadic eye movement, Pursuit eye movement, Vergence eye movement, Reflex eye movement and Vestibulo-Ocular movements. 
  1. Pursuit movement is the most smooth, slow and tracking movement of the eyes. Pursuit movement occurs under voluntary control only because it has to keep the image on the fovea of different positions. 
  2. Saccadic eye movement is the rapid eye movement of the same direction which is conjugate movements. Saccadic movement can be voluntary and involuntary. Saccadic eye movement always used when scanning visual scene or reading. 
  3. Examples of vergence eye movement are divergence and convergence. Divergence is used for looking at far object and convergence is always used for looking at near object. Vergence eye movement is disconjugate eye movement which the eyes are moving to the opposite direction. Vergence eye movement can be voluntary and involuntary. 
  4. Reflex eye movements can be test by opto-kinetic, caloric stimulation and body rotation. Reflex eye movements will cause nystagmus. 
  5. Vestibulo-ocular movements will produce rapid eye movements in the opposite direction of the head movements. Vestibulo-Ocular movements are reflective involuntary.

Action of each muscles

  • Lateral rectus and medial rectus will only have primary action which is lateral rectus for abduction and medial rectus for adduction. 
  • The primary action of superior rectus is elevation, the secondary action is incyclotortion and the tertiary action is adduction
  • The primary action of inferior rectus is depression, the secondary action is excyclotortion and the tertiary action is adduction.  
  • The primary action of superior oblique is incyclotortion, the secondary action is depression and the tertiary action is abduction
  • The primary action of inferior oblique is excyclotortion, the secondary action is elevation and the tertiary action is abduction.

from far with love,

normal value that need to remember!!

Assalamualaikumwarahmatullah dan selamat sejahtera,

·         At distance :  1EP’ – 3 XP’
·         At near  : orthophoria – 6XP’
·         Vertical phoria: 1 hyper/hypo

AC/A ratio : 4±2

NFV/PFV range:
·         At distance : 20-15
·         At near : 20-20

AA: based on formula~   18.5-(age/3) ± 1.00D

MAF:  11 ± 5 cpm

BAF:  9 ± 5 cpm

Lag of acc :  +0.25D to +0.75D (Plano to +1.00D  is acceptable)

NRA:  +2.50D  ± 0.50D

PRA:  -2.37D ± 1.00D

*letihnye nk hafal!!!!!!

from far with love,

assalamualaikumwarahmatullah dan selamat sejahtera

this is my beloved friend and also my siblings
do your best and hope we can meet again after we're graduating..
im not going to lie
i'll miss all of you after this...

from far with love,

tips for exam

       Asssalamualaikumwarahmatullah dan selamat sejahtera....

  TOPIC 1:
A.      Intro
·         All the definition
B.      Horopter
·         Types and deviation

2.      Stereopsis
A.      Def
B.      Test for what
C.      Different of each test and the example

3.      OM
A.      Function of each muscle
B.      Laws that related

4.      Phoria & vergence
A.      How to measure
B.      Normal value
C.      The diagnosis (eg: DE,DI,CE,CI,BE,BI)~ look for criteria & the fact

5.      Analysis of BV9
A.      Graph analysis (donders graph)
B.      Sheard & perceival
C.      Know how to used the criterion
D.     Know the formula and how to calculate the prism Rx, sph alteration & VT. Must be specific, eg.: prescribe at D/N/Both.

6.      Fixation disparity
A.      FD curve
·         Info that we get from the curve
·         How to read
·         Should know how to point out the FD and phoria and other reading

7.      Microtropia, ocular deviation & nystagmus
A.      Features &classification (not too details)
8.      Accommodation anomalies
A.      Parameters
B.      Test
C.      Normal value
D.     The features for each anomalies

9.      Anisometropia & aniseikonia
A.      Case study (vergence anomalies & acc anomalies)
B.      Treatment that suitable ( best option for each cases)

10.  AC/A ratio & development
A.      Definition of AC/C
B.      How to calculate & expected value

*just nk mention yg bnyk lg kne study... haih

from far with love,

horizontal heterophoria

assalamualaikumwarahmatullah dan selamat sejahtera

topik paling best dlm subjek BVOM ni mstlah

  1. heterophoria & vergence anomalies
  2. accommodation anomalies 


  • also known as phoria
  • also known as latent tropia
  • also known as latent strabismus
  • in a layman word it is call as 'JULING'

For horizontal phoria, we have esophoria (inwards) & exophoria (outwards)
SO, how to measure the phoria?
  1. maddox wing test
  2. maddox rod test
  3. cover test
  4. freeman unit
  5. howell card

  • measure with base in prism.
  • must correct with base out prism.
  • we must look up for the negative fusional reserve (NFV) and positive relative accommodation(PRA).
  • patient (Pt's) may have convergence excess (CE) or divergence insufficiency (DI) or basic esophoria (basic EP') . 
  • As an optometrist, to treat esophoria, we must see the sheard  criterion and perceival criterion.
  • we can give:
  1. prism prescription
  2. spherical alteration
  3. vision therapy

  • measure with base out prism.
  • must correct with base in prism.
  • we must look up for the positive fusional reserve (PFV) and negative relative accommodation (NRA).
  • patient (Pt's) may have divergence excess (DE) or convergence insufficiency (CI) or basic exophoria (basic XP') . 
  • As an optometrist, to treat exophoria, we must see the sheard  criterion and perceival criterion.
  • we can give:
  1. prism prescription
  2. spherical alteration
  3. vision therapy

from far with love,

once upon a time

assalamualaikumwarahmatullah and selamat sejahtera,

boy A: why there is no hot women in this class.
boy B: what kind of hot women u want? haha....
boy A: a kind of a very up to date women, sexy..
boy B: u should pray for that.. =)

girl A: why we have that kind of classmate *whispering to other friends (i don't like boy A and i will never fall in love with that boy! *swear the girl A)


1st situation: lunch at a very crowded places with all the class members

girls A: u guys go and take the food first, I’ll wait here, later i take it..
boy A: i'm taking the food for u okey!
girl A: err.. okey but don't put too much. *why he really nice for me today?, maybe he is in a very good mood!
 (whispering to himself)
boy A: did i'm gentleman enough today? hehe

girl A:  yup.. thanks..  (*wondering why u being so nice to me, I’m starting to like u now!) eh, your drinks look very nice. 

boy A: do u want? It’s a mix fruit juice, u can have it if u want. 
girl A: nevermind, i just want to taste it.
boy A: sure.

2nd situation: breakfast at a government hospital

girls A: what do u want for breakfast? i take it for u.

boy A: just buy me fried mee hoon.

girl A: money?
boy A: i just have this RM5.

girl A: okey, keep the chain okey?

boy A: OK.

after a few hours

boy A: boy B, lets buy some snacks or drinks.

boy B: ok.
boy A: minute pulpy is good for health, take it.
boy B: i just want a sky juice. hehe..

girl A: hey boy A, its look delicious.

boy A: do u want? hold it for me and u can have it.

girl A: =)

3rd situation: after final exam paper

boy A: do u want to lunch?

girl A: up to u, i don't mind. where u want to go?

boy A: park your car, and i'll pick u up.
girl A: serious? u are not far from your home, u can have lunch at your house with your housemate.
boy A: nevermind, i'll pick u up now. i'm otw.
girl A: owh.. ok. (* still wondering why he is really nice, why i can’t see it before this?)

at night before sleep

girl A: owh i really like u now boy A.
but how can i tell u? 
after few years i said that i wouldn't fall in love with u,
after a few years i spend my time with u, 
i know what u want, i know what u like, what is your taste, what kind of women u like..
everything i know..

whatever it is, did i fall in love with u?
its a big question in my mind, and i want u badly in my life but i can’t because i'm just a women!

~so she wrote a letter and put it in a bottle before throw it in the sea.

dear boy A,
i think i'm fall in love with u,
because u really gentleman for me,
u know anything that i don't know,
u can teach me anything,
i can ask u anything and u can easily answer me,
it’s really  nice to know u,
it become more nice if u know that i like you so much,

Allah only wants me to be friend with u and not more,
i hope u will be happy everyday
and Allah always bless u,
find a very good girl for yourself and love her in your own way,

trust yourself and enjoy the life.

moral of the story: don't judge a book by its cover, try to know each other before you can say something bad about that people, be nice to anybody and people will love you back.

lets the story begin!

*the story is created by the blogger and not related to anybody

from far with love,