Oct 4, 2012

tips for exam

       Asssalamualaikumwarahmatullah dan selamat sejahtera....

  TOPIC 1:
A.      Intro
·         All the definition
B.      Horopter
·         Types and deviation

2.      Stereopsis
A.      Def
B.      Test for what
C.      Different of each test and the example

3.      OM
A.      Function of each muscle
B.      Laws that related

4.      Phoria & vergence
A.      How to measure
B.      Normal value
C.      The diagnosis (eg: DE,DI,CE,CI,BE,BI)~ look for criteria & the fact

5.      Analysis of BV9
A.      Graph analysis (donders graph)
B.      Sheard & perceival
C.      Know how to used the criterion
D.     Know the formula and how to calculate the prism Rx, sph alteration & VT. Must be specific, eg.: prescribe at D/N/Both.

6.      Fixation disparity
A.      FD curve
·         Info that we get from the curve
·         How to read
·         Should know how to point out the FD and phoria and other reading

7.      Microtropia, ocular deviation & nystagmus
A.      Features &classification (not too details)
8.      Accommodation anomalies
A.      Parameters
B.      Test
C.      Normal value
D.     The features for each anomalies

9.      Anisometropia & aniseikonia
A.      Case study (vergence anomalies & acc anomalies)
B.      Treatment that suitable ( best option for each cases)

10.  AC/A ratio & development
A.      Definition of AC/C
B.      How to calculate & expected value

*just nk mention yg bnyk lg kne study... haih

from far with love,

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